Parenting as Life Marches On

Dog With a Blog Television Series

Dog with a Blog is a Disney Channel sitcom about a blended family that includes a pet dog that talks and blog at the same time.   You probably have seen the comic by Peter Steiner with the caption “On the internet, Nobody knows that you’re a Dog.”  This comic has earned Steiner over $50,000 for commercial reprints.     Although it has not been stated as the premise of the show, it is very similar to the comic.


In Dog with a Blog, there is a dog named Stan the writes a personal blog that chronicles his life living with his family.   His family consists of three children and their parents.   The three children know that Stan can talk, but have kept the secret from their parents.


As stated above, this is a blended family that have grown to love each other.     The parents include Ellen Jennings and Bennett James.   Ellen brings one daughter, Avery to the marriage; and Bennett brings and daughter, Chloe, and son, Tyler.     Bennett is a psychologist that attempts to use some of his training to help his family get along.  In an attempt to get the children to bond, he introduces Stan to the family.   The children quickly learn to get along and love each other.