JailWhen a parent has to serve time imprisoned for the crimes that they have committed, they are not the only ones that feel the impact of their incarceration.   Family members have to deal with the situation and the changes that bring.   For adults that whole situation can be difficult, but for children it can completely turn their world upside down.

Sesame Street has released a new toolkit to help children as they must deal with having someone they love being incarceration.  This toolkit is available at Sesame Street’s official website, SesameStreet.org.    There are videos for children and adults to watch together.  There are also printable materials that parents and caregivers can use with the child.

This toolkit is one of the many that have been released that help children deal with different issues in their lives.    There are some for having healthy teeth, dealing with food insecurity, divorce, and more.   Children deal with many things as they grow up.  Sometimes it helps to have resources to help them deal with the big issues that they are facing.  The incarceration toolkit is another resource for children as they work throw the emotions, and changes of having someone they love incarcerated.