Robert “Bob” McGrath turns 80 on June 13th.      McGrath has been portraying the character Bob since Sesame Street’s inaugural season over 4 decades ago.    It would not be surprising if the he has not been part of educating some younger grandparents, their children and grandchildren.

Some things that some may not know is that McGrath was a popular musician in Japan during the 1960s.      He has also authored couple books called: “Oops! Excuse Me! Please!: And Other Mannerly Tales” and “Uh Oh! Gotta Go!: Potty Tales From Toddlers”   In addition to the books he has also several different musical children albums like: “Bob’s Favorite Street Songs”, “Sing Along with Bob 1” , “Sing Along with Bob 2” , “Sing Me a Song” , “Christmas Sing Along”   and  “The Baby Record.”   With over 40 years on the Sesame Street  ,Bob McGrath has shown that there is more to him than many Sesame Street fans know.    Happy Birthday Bob!!