Sesame Street wants kids to not only learn about healthy eating, they want them to also have access to healthy foods. Sesame Street and AmeriChoice will be teaming together to provide bilingual educational resources for parents to make healthy choices to food.

Program outreach will include bilingual (English and Spanish) Healthy Habits kits with an original DVD starring the Sesame Street Muppets and a documentary of families along with their children using a variety of strategies for maintaining Healthy Habits for Life despite limited financial resources.  

The kits will also include child-friendly recipes, activity cards and a parent/caregiver guide with information about healthful eating and ways to make nutritional and economical food choices for the entire family. In addition, AmeriChoice will send Healthy Habits for Life messages and information to low-income and vulnerable populations in public sector health care programs via the Web, physician mailings, and member mailings and newsletters that will go to 3 million members.